How Important Is Motivation In Affiliate Marketing?

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Sunday, August 11, 2013 0 Comments
By Howe Russell

If you speak to any affiliate marketer you'll undoubtedly be told that anybody can become their own boss, no matter whether you speak to an Empower Network or Avon representative. That's because you'll often encounter folks who are purely interested in getting a new referral, i.e. you. However, the fact is not everyone can become their own boss. Not everyone can make money online. Not everyone is motivated enough to make it happen.

You can usually tell a lot about a person based off their reaction the first time they have the idea of using the internet to create an income from home. If they see it as an instant, overnight answer to all of their problems they tend to fail. If they start looking at it as a real business opportunity they tend to experience some success.

A shockingly high percentage of the daily searches for home business opportunities come from individuals who have no intention of starting a home business. They're looking for a winning lottery ticket. They have the wrong idea of how internet marketing works because of the false marketing in the industry itself.

Why not market so these people can learn that the internet isn't the easy answer they thought it would be? Simple, most are too impatient and don't want to learn. Therefore, there will be countless companies out there waiting to take the money of those who are gullible enough to continuously fall for the hype of the next big thing on the MLM scene.

One of the reasons so many people quit in the home business world is the fact that they were never truly in it for the right reasons. They wanted to make a quick buck and got out when they realized it didn't work that way.

Working for yourself is a tough job. You're the CEO and the front-end staff. If you fail, it's all on you. Most people cannot handle that pressure and try to blame others. Before you get involved with any affiliate business, try to study somebody in your life who has attempted to create their own business. [
See how Russ Howe became established in empower network here.

Like a lot of other things in life, motivation is a useless attribute if no further action is taken. While countless internet marketers spend all day posting inspirational quotes to their social network followers, very few of them live their lives by the motivational words they're preaching to others. Once the going gets tough, all that motivational talk goes out of the window and they fall flat.

Indeed, motivation is a tricky subject. It's one which is key to the home business industry because those who have it in spades generally find it easier to make money online regardless of what business they use. Then you have companies like Empower Network which try to use motivational material as a product because they know most affiliates are in need of it. One thing is for sure, you need to be very confident and motivated if you are going to build any business from the ground up.

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