Tips On Operating After Hours Call Center

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Friday, October 11, 2013 0 Comments
By Rhea Solomon

You are in a field where you have to require your employees to provide excellent customer service. Every after hours call center out there would always want to aim for this particular goal for their operation. So, making sure that you achieve these results is critical.

Stress has been among the many things that agents have to go through and deal with when working in this particular industry. It is stressful enough that many of them have to work during unholy hours. The mere fact that they have to deal with frustrating and really difficult customers at time is enough to make one to want to pull at his hair. So, giving them ways to deal with these issues better is essential.

There should be rooms in the floor where people can go to whenever they needed to take a much needed break, they want to take a nap, or they want to get away from a very stressful interaction that they have to go through with a customer. This should at least allow them to come back to their sense and compose themselves again before taking the next call.

Develop ways on how you can improve the customer service that you are offering to the rest of the people that call and seek out the assistance of your agents every time. These goals will help as your basis towards determining whether the agents who are working for you are able to meet these standards quite well. So, have them established ahead of time.

Talk t your experienced agents. They should have been doing something that actually motivated them to stay in this service this long. They would not have managed to stay long if they are not motivated enough of the way they have been able to handle things, you might want them to share their best practices to the people that you have just hired. They can definitely earn from them.

Reward your agents a lot more often too. You need to make sure that their interest and motivations is always high. This is the only way for you to ensure that these people gets to stay properly pumped up to deliver the best service to the people they talk on the phone with every time. So, come up with a very good reward scheme to keep them properly motivated all the time.

There should be proper internal communication between you and the representatives that you allow to take calls on the floor. Make sure that proper support is accorded to them when handling customer concerns. Also, having people that they can ask questions to when there are issues they are not able to handle on their own helps.

Another must have in an after hours call center is to ensure there is proper training for every agent there is. Before deploying agents to the floor, they are often subjected to comprehensive training. However, this does not stop there. New developments, new updates should be rolled out every once in a while to ensure that the rest of the your reps are aware of these changes.

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