Tips For Hiring A Web Design Professional

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Wednesday, November 20, 2013 0 Comments
By Kenny Marcum

An official website is a great way to market an event, organization or business. Like any other marketing tool, an official website requires an investment of money, time or both. A person can put together a website herself or contract with a web design professional.

While the needs of an organization or business will vary, most quality websites takes some time to plan. Decide early one how big of a web presence you need. Your needs may be met with only one or two web pages. Or, you may find out that a much larger site complete with videos and photographs are needed.

Any website needs content. Your content is what lets the reader know what you are trying to promote. In additional to the most pertinent information, have some filler information as well. Gather together most of your content before you begin to search for a designer.

A professional designer can be located on the internet. Classified websites are a good starting point. Another helpful resource is a freelance site.

There are also several ways to find a designer offline. Visit a local community college and place an advertisement on a bulletin board in a building where computer classes are held. Permission may be needed to do so. In addition, ask someone that have website up if she can give you the contact information of her designer.

Regardless of whether a designer has a lot of professional experience, she should have a portfolio handy. A portfolio is a collection of websites she has previously designed for clients A student portfolio may consist of class projects.

The price of a site varies. An extensive site costs more than a relatively small site. A novice or student designer may build a site free of charge in order to build her portfolio. A more established web design professional may have packages that include among other things updates and hosting.

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