Youtube Is A Good Way To Create Traffic To Your Sites

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Monday, November 4, 2013 0 Comments
By Rick Quarles

With regards to driving traffic to internet sites you are going to discover that there are lots of different methods that men and women can use. While just about all of these strategies can be time consuming not all of them are as good as others. But you have to realize that if you plan on making money on the web you will need to find ways to create traffic to your websites or affiliate links.

One of these traffic creating strategies which is generally overlooked is the use of YouTube. This can be a great way to create traffic and what we will be speaking about below.

The initial thing you are going to must do is generate a list of keywords you will want to target for the various search engines. The second thing you're going to need is actually a technique to produce videos either of yourself by using a camcorder or by using a screen capture program to produce these videos. Once your videos developed it is time to upload it to YouTube and ensure that you use your keywords in the title and description and also leave a link to your site. One final thing you have to do is to simply begin creating back links that point to your YouTube video.

Some of you may not yet understand this but Google actually owns YouTube and this is one of the main reasons we want to use this platform. The reason this is so important is because when you develop a video on YouTube, Google will automatically give this page authority inside their search engine results. Because this site already has authority you are going to find that you'll only have to create a few links in order to obtain the first page ranking that you are seeking.

One thing you need to understand regarding the videos that you develop is that they should be incredibly informative and helpful to the viewer. There are individuals out there who simply make a video with a couple of images, add some audio and expect folks to visit the link below, but the viewers generally close the video even before it finishes. This is why it is so essential that you make this video interesting so you can grab the viewer's attention and direct them to click the link after the video.

You need to also realize that with regards to building the back-links to your YouTube video, you should be aware that article advertising will be the best technique to do this. Again you will not need to construct thousands of links to get first page ranking, in fact you can usually get first page on Google with 100 links or less. For each keyword you have on your list that you wish to target you should generate a new video for each and every key word and key word phrase you wish to target. The main reason for this is so you are able to load the title and description with only one targeted keyword phase, and this will additionally help you to get multiple first page listings.

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