Hosted PBX - A Phone System Canada Businesses Can Rely On

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Friday, January 17, 2014 0 Comments
By Marissa Velazquez

If you are looking for the best business phone system Canada has to offer, hosted PBX may be the answer. These systems utilize the World Wide Web as a platform and that comes with many advantages. Here are some important reasons to consider PBX for your communications needs.

PBX stands for Private Branch Exchange and is similar to VOIP or voice over Internet protocol services. Instead of relying on a system of wires, relays, and equipment, your service accesses the Web. Web based communications are a new kind of technology and this technology brings many exciting features to your business that were not possible a few short years ago.

PBX communications systems provide your employees and staff with a kind of freedom that standard systems cannot offer. For example, because communications take place online there is no need to stay at the office. In fact, many workers can perform their tasks from the convenience and comfort of their homes. Your workforce can be mobile and no matter where they travel they can keep in contact and access all the information that they require.

Cost is always an important consideration for business and hosted PBX systems can help you cut your operating costs. Communications systems for businesses can cost a great deal because you might have to install expensive communications equipment. Just the labor for installation can be costly as an entire network of cable may need to be in place. With hosted PBX there is no expensive equipment to buy. Your only cost each month is subscribing to the service.

With standard telephone systems you may need to pay extra for additional features. Cloud systems come with many features free or for minimal charges. For example, you may enjoy the benefits of three way or conference calls. You also receive voicemail, automated greetings, caller identification, call waiting, unlimited extensions, and much more.

With many telephone systems, size matters a great deal. Yet, this is not the case with modern PBX systems as they are readily available for small as well as large businesses in Canada. You will also receive high quality support and it is available to you when you need it. When you have downtime or other problems, someone will be available to take of the matter as soon as possible.

If your company has its own communications equipment, it can cost you more than you think. For example, as technology advances, you may need upgrades quicker than you planned on. That is why many modern day companies are turning to VOIP services, as they keep their systems up to date and you are never without the most advanced technology in communications.

Choosing a business phone system Canada trusts can be one of the best ways to cut costs and improve your efficiency. In addition, you have fewer concerns with keeping track of, updating, and maintaining equipment. VOIP companies can give you the cheapest rates on most services including long distance. Changing over is simple and you will not even have to change your telephone or fax numbers. This saves time and money on contact info updating.

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