Leaping To Success: Learn How To Build A Team Online

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Thursday, February 13, 2014 0 Comments
By Rose Marie D'Amico

Once you list all the activities you need to market your business online, you'll want to build a team. Next, you're going to wonder who you should hire first. After all, with so much to do, and what is most likely a limited budget, most entrepreneurs cannot go out and hire all the people they hope to in the beginning.

These are all great questions and in this video from James Wedmore, you're going to get the answers.

You can't go solo on this one. Well, you can. You have the ability. But you'll either move too slowly or burn out too fast if you try to wear all the hats in your business. You need help. Even if you are technically capable of doing all those parts of your business, you will need the talents, energy and time provided by other people. And, the sooner you get it, the better.

They always say to model the behavior of those who are already where you want to be. Well, the top online business owners have built teams. If you need even more inspiration to build a team, then you should know that most of the successful businesses online credit their team as the key link to getting their ideas implemented quickly which in turn gets them to the money quickly.

So where do you start?

If you have your eye on video marketing, you may figure that you need someone to help with the camera. If you've ever made a video then you know that wearing all the video hats: script writer, producer, actor, and editor can be exhausting.

Even though that's true, even the top video strategist doesn't recommend that your primary team hire be a cameraman.

While creating video is an important part of your marketing efforts, all that other stuff involved in running a business is just as important, and more time consuming. For that reason, hiring someone in an administrative role such as a virtual assistant is a great first person when hiring to build a team.

What kinds of jobs or projects should your virtual assistant help with?

Great question! And the answer can be found when you evaluate your current business.

First, take a look at the activities of your business to discover the things that you dread doing. These would be things that need to get done, but not necessarily done by you.

The second thing you should do is evaluate yourself. We all have strengths and weakness. Discover what yours are. You can do this by taking the Myers Briggs personality test. This will help you decide where you should be spending your time (in your strengths) so that you can hire someone to handle the business items that are not your strengths (the stuff that drains your creativity and energy).

So there you have it; the best way to build a team for your online business! Leveraging time and leveraging talents will provide a catalyst for your business so you can eventually hire more people, including that video editor!

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