Some Of The New Trends For Web Design For 2014

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Monday, March 17, 2014 0 Comments
By Sher Adam

As we move into 2014 there looms new ideas and designs for the designs of websites. It is always a good idea to continue to give a website a new look so viewers don't get used to too much, or they will get bored and go somewhere else. Which is exactly what we do not want to have happen.

There will still be large "Hero Areas" which are large areas at the top of the page with an image and with a little amount of text, giving an aura of grandeur. This trend is likely to expand due to its seeming popularity and attractiveness on home pages of websites. The are quickly becoming a big thing on real estate websites where the sliders used to be.

Everyone is aware of how Apple sets the trend for lots of other products, and 2014 will be no exception. Up to now, Apple has had color as its splash of notoriety, but now they are moving toward more of a plain, flat design, called "flat design." Imagine that. Now instead of shadows and gradients, the whole motif will be, just plain.

The mobile devices will now be asking for emails, integrating with social media, sites will be faster loading and fast scrolling will help make the mobile sites more enjoyable and functional. There will be many more video presentations in 2014, with the thought of "Why read it when you can watch it?' With a mobile device, it will be easier to watch a video than read the fine print.

Color will become simpler so as not to distract. Look for simple, straight-forward, one or two color designs. Be sure to view the page as if you were the actual user. This will help you get an idea as to the effectiveness of the design.

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