Can An Online Marketing Company Emphasize Amazon Usage Through Twitter?

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Thursday, May 22, 2014 0 Comments
By Rob Sutter

When it comes to the largest marketplaces on the Internet, it's hard to overlook the importance of Amazon. There's a level of security that comes with the site and the scope of items to buy is, to say the least, impressive. With online shopping taking more and more precedence these days, it's clear that Amazon will see continuous improvements over the course. It's Amazon's recent workings with Twitter, though, that may be able to garner the most attention from any online marketing company in the world.

It was announced this past Monday that Amazon and Twitter would be working together with the idea of accessibility in mind. For those who do not know, Twitter users will now have the ability to add items to their Amazon shopping carts through the social media site in question. By replying to Amazon product-featured tweets - with the hashtag #AmazonCart included - that particular product will show up in their carts. Of course, both an Amazon and Twitter account have to be linked in order for this to work.

One of the first thoughts that I had, in response to this news, is just how handy this particular application can be. Users desire accessibility when it comes to various apps, whether they are designed for social media or shopping purposes. The tandem of Amazon and Twitter is an interesting one on paper and it seems to work well in execution. A partnership such as this, in my view, is one that can only help both names in the long term; any online marketing company would be able to agree.

As firms along the lines of fishbat will be able to tell you, e-commerce is practically essential in this day and age. More and more people are moving away from buying items in retail - whether it's a matter of price, accessibility - or what have you and Twitter saw the appeal in a move such as this. When people purchase items over the Internet, if it isn't eBay, an online marketing company may turn to Amazon for said purpose. This can only benefit those with Twitter accounts in the long term.

With all of this said, isn't it clear why a feature like this has so much potential to take into account? Users want accessibility - this goes without saying - and companies have recognized that they have to tailor their efforts to accommodate this. The partnership of Amazon and Twitter is one that fits this mindset perfectly. It's a method that deserves to be continually utilized and, if this is the case, I have no doubt that even more improvements will be made as time goes on.

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