How To Make The Most Out Of A Trade Show Exhibit Display

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Friday, November 21, 2014 0 Comments
By Ida Dorsey

There is a growing trend of businesses to showcase their products at trade exhibition displays. Trade show exhibit display is an effective way of getting and retaining customers. It is also a way of networking and getting to know people who may turn into customers.

An effective display should have all of the pertinent information about your product, and a bit about the company. It is to be used as a tool to help the company succeed and network. You want to catch the eye of a consumer, so using vibrant colors is a good idea. However, you would want to match the tone of your company. For example, an up and coming graphic design company would use bright colors and display some of their designs, but an older law firm would not.

But more important that the actual display itself is the representative. To be a rep at a show, you need to be friendly and assertive, able to talk to anyone who comes your way. It is a fast paced environment, and the company is paying good money to get their name out there. Professionalism is a must, but being open and friendly with your clients and putting your best foot forward is the best way to gain clients.

In order to reap maximum benefits from trade shows, a business needs to do adequate preparations before the event. Training of the business representatives is important. They should be properly informed about the company and the products. In addition to firm and product knowledge, the representatives should know how to handle visitors with courtesy and mild persuasion, without seeming to force them to buy a product.

Follow up: Follow up is crucial after meeting with potential customers and keeping appointments. Contact them through phone call or email 1 to 2 weeks after the program and ensure to be persistent. The purpose of follow up is to create a long lasting network.

Remember, you are competing for these people's business. You will need to be bigger and brighter than the booth next to yours, so uniqueness is key. Utilize the space you are given. For example, if your allotted booth is in a corner, use it. You want to catch the eye of the client and make sure that you are noticed above the rest.

If the product is a food item, invite show goers who are visiting your stall or stand to taste or sample your product. You can also give them some giveaways to go try at home. Give out some little memorabilia to your visitors.

Lastly, an effective display can go a long way. Color, uniqueness, and a friendly rep are all integral parts of and effective trade show display. If you have these things and pull them off effectively, your company and brand will gain many new happy and loyal clients.

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