Basic Concepts From Marketing Training Courses

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Friday, November 27, 2015 0 Comments
By Marci Nielsen

Marketing is known as the process of getting a certain product or a service from a business to the very doorstep of the consumers. Of course it can be seen that these days, the businesses do not control the needs and wants of the market but the consumers would already control the market. Of course because of this, it is extremely important for any business owner to know about his target customer. It will be through marketing training courses that he will be able to do this.

Marketing is quite a complex study that will not only consist of business knowledge but also of knowledge of psychology principles too. Now this study is actually all about mixing knowledge on business as well as psychology because it is all about knowing what makes the customer tick and knowing how to use that information for sales. Of course the concepts that one will learn are needed if one will go into business.

Now the very first thing to know about getting the product to the customer would be to remember that the customer is almost always right. Businesses live to please the customers with their products and their services. In return, the consumers would be rewarding these businesses with money.

So with that in mind, the next thing that one will be learning from these courses would be the specific techniques on how to market a product or a service. First of all, one should know about target segmentation as this is one of the most basic concepts of marketing. The whole principle of target segmentation is actually categorizing certain groups of people into groups that would act in a certain way or behave in a certain way.

Of course if one would want to segment people into categories, it is very important to have some sort of criteria that one can actually follow. In the case of business, it would be good to use demographics to do so such as age, gender, income level, education, ethnicity, and of course religious affiliation. Now with this type of information, it would actually help one know how and where to push the product.

Once the demographic profile of the average customer is created, then the next thing to create would be the psychographic profile. Now this is a little bit more specific as it would trace the movements and behavior of the target customer. Analysis of the psychographic profile would allow one to know when or where to execute a certain strategy.

Now another very important concept to note is the product life cycle. With this graph, one will know what condition his product is in and what to do with it. The stages of the life of a product is the beginning, rise, plateau, drop, and the death.

The ones mentioned above are only a few of the concepts that one can learn from a course like this. Now these concepts are very important when it comes to business. So if one would want to succeed, then learning these things is the way to go.

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