The Long Island SEO Do's & Don'ts For Optimizing Pictures

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Friday, August 25, 2017 1 Comments
By Arthur Williams

Long Island SEO is one of the most important online services that can be utilized, but you might be under the impression that this is limited solely to written content. Believe it or not, it's entirely possible to optimize the photos on your website so that rankings improve. How can such a process be carried out, you may wonder? These are some of the biggest do's and don'ts regarding photos that can benefit your website.

DO know the image types that are available to you. If you've been online for any length of time, you'll know that images come in many types. Static photographs are common, but the recent popularity of GIFs cannot be overlooked. As a matter of fact, it can be argued that these are valuable for Long Island SEO due to how engaging they can be. Knowing your options is one of the best ways to optimize your images.

DON'T use overly large images. One of the biggest mistakes that people make, in relation to SEO, is image size. If your photos are big, more time will be required to load them. This can be a detriment to your Internet marketing efforts, however, as the images in question can slow down the overall performance of your website. For insight, as to how this can be corrected, you should consult a reputable agency like fishbat.

DO be mindful of the names you give your pictures. Image files aren't without their names, and some will be more useful for SEO purposes than others. If you go with generic names that contain mostly numbers before ending in ".jpg," for example, chances are that Google won't recognize your files. By editing these names so that they're more closely related to your products and services, you can rest easy knowing that a greater SEO benefit will be obtained.

DON'T launch your changes without testing them first. Once you have your image files in place, you must test everything out. This will ensure that everything is working as it should. Failure to test your changes will run the risk of reducing your site's performance, which has a negative impact on every aspect of your digital strategy, SEO included. By continually testing and making the proper adjustments, your SEO game will remain in top shape.

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