An Online Marketing Company's Questions And Answers Regarding Influencer Marketing

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Saturday, January 26, 2019 0 Comments
By Paula Hess

One of the ways to generate awareness about products or services is word of mouth. This might be easier said than done, though, which is why many businesses invest in influencer marketing. Such a service is offered by numerous online marketing companies. It will also be provided at the highest level, resulting in the aforementioned awareness. For a better understanding of the service at hand, here are some questions and answers to note.

"First, what is influencer marketing?" If you're unfamiliar with this form of marketing, it utilizes influential people - or influencers - that have considerable reach. In theory, they will be able to promote various wares to their fans or audience members. This will increase business for those that manufacture said wares. These are just a few of the details that can be shared by reputable names in marketing, included.

"What does the term 'influencer' mean in this regard?" An influencer is anyone that is seen as a thought leader in their particular niche or focus. They can be an entertainer, activist, or anyone that has a wide set of beliefs on different topics. In other words, when they express an opinion, people listen. If influencers have audiences that can be reached through different means, digital or otherwise, they can make a huge impact on the marketing front.

"What platforms are included in an influencer marketing plan?" If you think that you'll be limited to what you can use in an influencer marketing plan, think again. Everything from video to blogs are fair game. However, these platforms must appeal to wide audiences in order to be useful. Otherwise, content will be created without going out to the right people. The fact that platforms like these exist, though, only help with marketing.

"I'm not totally sold; what else does influencer marketing?" From a benefit standpoint, influencer marketing is effective at finalizing purchases. If an inquisitive buyer sees a product online, shared by someone they trust, they may finally take the plunge. It's also worth noting that the ROI is much higher here than with other methods. With these benefits in mind, you should take influencer marketing into serious consideration.

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Long Island SEO: 3 Reasons To Never Delete Your Blog

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On 0 Comments
By Arthur Williams

There are many factors that play into search engine optimization, including the blog section of a business website. Not only can this be used to provide content, but it can also yield a substantial boost in regard to rankings. Any Long Island SEO specialist can agree, which is why it's important for them to maintain blogs by any means necessary. Here are 3 of the most important reasons why this matters in the long run.

One of the reasons why an SEO specialist would maintain a website's blog is due to the rich content it provides. While "content is king" may seem like a tired line, it carries considerable weight, especially among search engines. Google, Bing and other such platforms greatly value sites with original content at high volumes, which means that they will become more prominent across different search engines. This is just one reason why names like stress keeping blogs active.

You should also never delete your blog if you've created multiple links over the course of time. In fact, SEO largely hinges on links, as they are seen as "votes" toward websites that other platforms find reputable. In other words, the more links that blogs have, the higher they're likely to rank. Blog posts can contain numerous links, so it's important to maintain blogs so that these don't become lost.

Outside of technical SEO, maintain a blog means that you'll always provide website visitors with reasons to come back. In many cases, if someone visits a company's website, they'll find what they need and not come back. A well-maintained blog will have new content to provide, which means that user engagement will remain consistent. This will have an SEO impact as well, which is all the more reason to keep up with this routine.

As you might have guessed, deleting the blog section of your website can have serious consequences. The most notable is a drop in rankings. If the average user can't find you for a keyword you'd like to rank for, then you won't be able to grow your business as you'd like. This is just one of the reasons why maintaining the blog in question is essential. As your SEO strategy continues to perform, you will be happy that you kept it around.

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3 Pointers That Help Guest Posting And Long Island SEO

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Monday, January 21, 2019 0 Comments
By Arthur Williams

When it comes to writing opportunities online, guest posting is among the most common. If you're looking to boost your reputation, and perhaps your Long Island SEO, it would make perfect sense to get involved in this endeavor. However, it's not enough to simply write a good piece and send it out. In fact, here are 3 things that you should know about guest posting so that you have a higher chance of getting your work published.

If you'd like to become involved in guest posting, reading website guidelines before writing is a great place to begin. Failure to adhere to said guidelines will result in your piece being ignored entirely. These platforms have certain requirements related to word count, the types of links used, and other variables that can impact the quality of a blog post or article. The closer you follow these rules, the higher the probability is of your piece being published.

Another thing to know about guest posting is that proofreading matters. No matter how experienced of a writer you are, you're just as likely to make mistakes as anyone else. It could be a simple matter of commas being placed where they don't belong, or perhaps you have a few run-on sentences that could be shortened. Whatever the case may be, proofreading is recommended by the likes of and understandably so.

It's also important to not consistently email a website if your work hasn't been published yet. Keep in mind that many of the sites that allow guest posting opportunities tend to be the most active, which means that your email may be one in many that must be read. If it takes time for whomever oversees content to get back to you, be patient. If you followed the aforementioned guidelines, they will reach back out in regard to your work, whether it's been published or not.

Hopefully these tips will provide you with better luck when it comes to guest posting opportunities. There are many reasons to take advantage of said opportunities, too. These include, but aren't limited to, exposure to a wider audience and the ability to obtain links from different sources. For those that are looking to get the most out of their SEO, content matters, which is why it's all the more worthwhile to give guest posting a chance.

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The Top 3 Chatbot Errors Long Island Specialists Should Address

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On 0 Comments
By Arthur Williams

Chatbots have become quite popular among businesses, whether they're ecommerce-focused or not, so it should come as no surprise that newcomers would want to use them as well. Whether they're on social media or official websites, they go a long way in streamlining customer service. With that said, it's possible that oversights can be made. Here are 3 of the oversights in question that Long Island advertising agencies should work to correct.

One of the most common oversights, when it comes to chatbots, is a lack of clear language. According to reputable agencies like fishbat, chatbots should be designed with the purpose of utilizing human language. In other words, interacting with them shouldn't feel much different from speaking to another person on the phone. When language appears stunted or artificial, it can hamper the customer service experience to the point where potential sales are lost.

Next, chatbots shouldn't be developed without the user, and their needs, in mind. When someone visits a website or social media page, they do so with a certain purpose. It could be a matter of shopping for a specific product or learning new information, but there is a call to action that must be carried out. Not only should a chatbot be able to anticipate said purpose, but provide the necessary assistance to ensure that the goal is met.

The ability to shift between languages may be lost, too. Chatbots, more than anything else, should be able to cater to people in different languages. They shouldn't be limited to English, specifically if businesses are international, able to cater to different areas of the world. Not only does this help the chatbots in question interact with consumers better, but it will improve the reputations of the businesses they're associated with as well.

For those that have been looking to implement chatbots, there are many reasons to do so. In fact, as technology continues to evolve, it may be essential, as you'll have to keep up with the competition. With this said, you should be aware of potential missteps that can be made when developing chatbots. By taking the time to correct any errors that are seen, you will make this customer service technology all the more impactful.

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Long Island Advertising: Important Details Regarding Youtube Stories

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Thursday, January 17, 2019 0 Comments
By Paula Hess

If you've been on Snapchat, Facebook, or any other social media platform for an extended length of time, you know all about Stories. This type of format features content that's told in sequential order, whether it's in regard to trips, projects in progress, or what have you. YouTube has recently joined the fold, which brings us to the topic of YouTube Stories. Here is what those that work in Long Island advertising can tell you about this feature.

YouTube Stories, for those not in the know, is a mobile app feature that lets users create their own stories. To access the feature in question, open the YouTube app, tap the video camera icon, and choose "Create Story." By doing so, you will be able to create your own Story, complete with live video footage, filters, stickers, and the like. It's an easy enough service to access, but there is more that companies such as fishbat can tell you about it.

Before you start curating your own Stories, though, it's worth noting that YouTube Stories isn't available to everyone right now. In fact, as of now, it's only open to certain content creators, particularly those that have 10,000 subscribers or more. It's expected that this feature will be provided to more users as time goes on. However, one can look this as a testing period, where certain curators will be able to try out the feature and see what it has to offer.

Even though the feature will take time to be rolled out to other users, YouTube Stories offers quite a bit compared to other social media networks. For instance, if you're familiar with Snapchat Stories, you know that they are automatically deleted after 24 hours after being published. YouTube Stories, on the other hand, last for 7 days. This gives YouTube a leg up and, on the surface, makes it more appealing to the average user.

The reveal of YouTube Stories shouldn't come as much of a shock, as it seems like a natural progression for YouTube itself. For the longest time, it has been the largest video streaming service in the world, and its social component makes it a prime candidate for a "Story" format. It may even become more commonplace on YouTube, but this is dependent on its user base. If it doesn't prove to be a hit, YouTube is likely to change course.

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Long Island SEO: Steps To Follow Toward Search Engine Recovery

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Tuesday, January 15, 2019 0 Comments
By Arthur Williams

There are many challenges that come with getting a website to rank, especially if negative SEO is present. Reasons websites drop in rankings range from a lack of responsive web design to unoriginal content. Even though adverse SEO is a problem, this doesn't mean that you can't recover. For business owners that would like to know how to bounce back from this circumstance, here is some advice from the professionals.

Following negative SEO, you should look into your website to see how secure it is. Simply put, search engines place more emphasis on sites that are safe to use, which means that they will rank higher. One of the ways to improve your site's security, according to reputable names in marketing like, is by updating passwords. You can also install a security plugin, depending on the software that was used to create your site. These are just a few security measures worth implementing.

Next, be mindful of the links that you lost and obtained over time. One of the other reasons why a website would drop in rankings is that links have been removed, either from their own platform or third-party networks. Instead of spending time getting in touch with each website where you have links, try to build new ones. These are more likely to stick around, which will provide your business with the SEO boost that it needs.

It's also possible that your SEO recovery is needed because of slow performance. Have you noticed that your site, after working flawlessly for years, seems to have taken a dip from a performance standpoint? The slower that your site operates, the less prevalent it will be in terms of rankings, which is where you should take action. Whether it's removing needless plugins or finding a new web hosting service, you're not without options.

When it comes to SEO recovery, these are the most important steps that one can follow. If you find it difficult to get your site ranking, even after completing these steps, you may want to research the topic further. Even though the way that a search engine operates may be largely unknown, it's still possible to know what it seems to favor. This is useful information, to say the least, as it will help with SEO progress down the road.

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Internet Marketing Companies: The Do's And Don'ts Of Live Video Streaming

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Friday, January 11, 2019 0 Comments
By Arthur Williams

Video streaming is one of the top-performing services that an Internet marketing company can provide. Not only does it provide content in real time, but the visual and audio nature of said content will help it reach more people. It's not enough to simply load up Facebook, Twitter, or some other platform and start recording, though. In fact, here are some do's and don'ts that you should know before you kick off the process in question.

One of the do's of video streaming, according to reputable companies like fishbat, is to have a solid Internet connection or data plan. After all, you're going to be providing content online, which means that your feed should be as steady as possible. If you don't have the aforementioned plan, you're not going to be able to live stream unless there's Wi-Fi or Internet in general. Keep this in mind, as it will make all the difference in regard to your video streaming efforts.

You should also have a device that will be able to effectively shoot live video content. To be more specific, it should output clear, high-definition visuals, which makes sense given the fact that your content will be provided to a wide audience. Depending on how recent your smartphone is, you may be able to use just that, which will save you money. However, if you believe that it's time for an upgrade, your new device is likely to have a higher-resolution camera built in.

When discussing the don'ts of video streaming, let's start with a lack of equipment testing. No matter how confident you are in said equipment, whether it's your smartphone, camera, microphone, or what have you, it's important to ensure that everything works properly. Otherwise, you run the risk of technical issues, which can be difficult to solve on the fly. Regular testing of your equipment will lessen this risk, thereby rendering video streaming more seamless.

You should also never overlook the importance of practice. This is true for not only your understanding of the aforementioned equipment, but the way that you conduct yourself in front of the camera. It will take time to get used to speaking to the camera, especially if you haven't done it before, but don't let the initial hurdles deter you. With enough practice, you will get the hang of video streaming, no matter the subject matter you're covering.

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3 Useful Long Island SEO Pointers For Ranking In 2019

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Tuesday, January 8, 2019 0 Comments
By Arthur Williams

As 2018 comes to a close, Long Island SEO specialists and agencies will undoubtedly be looking to improve their strategies. After all, algorithms will change, which means that shifts and adjustments will be required as well. You shouldn't let this level of challenge deter you, though, as preparing for 2019 may not be as difficult as it seems. In fact, here are the 4 best SEO tips that you can use heading into the new year.

If your goal is to improve or maintain your SEO efforts in 2019, be mindful of content. Not only must it be routinely created, but it should be crafted with SEO in mind. According to such authorities on the matter as, everything from keywords to links must be accounted for. Perhaps the most important factor, though, is value. If your content is low-quality, its ability to help with rankings won't be nearly as effective as it should be.

Another way to excel in SEO in 2019 is with smart web design. While your company's website may have plenty of content that helps users, this doesn't necessarily mean that it will show up well in search. In fact, one reason why this may be the case is a lack of responsiveness. If your site doesn't show up as well on tablets or smartphones as it does on computers, then it won't perform as well in this regard. As more and more people online with their mobile devices, mobile-friendly web design will become that much more vital to SEO.

It's also worth noting the importance of social media. One can make the argument that social signals, including likes and retweets, don't directly impact SEO, but this doesn't mean that they can't help. In fact, the top-performing companies, at least from a digital standpoint, tend to be the ones that are most active on social media. As a result, it would stand to reason that they would see steady improvement with search engine results.

As 2019 draws closer, it's important for business owners to know where they want to go next. How do they wish to modify their marketing efforts, if at all? Search engine optimization is likely to be a topic of discussion, but don't become discouraged if improved rankings take time to occur. Other businesses will see slow improvements as well, so as long as you stick to a strategy you have faith in, your hard work will eventually pay off.

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4 Big Company Name Changes Recognized By Internet Marketing Companies

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On 0 Comments
By Arthur Williams

This past September, the Internet was abuzz regarding Dunkin' Donuts changing its name to simply "Dunkin'." No matter what your viewpoint on the story may be, it's one of many instances when companies, which have been around for a long time, decided to rebrand in this way. Internet marketing companies will tell you that some changes have been more positive than others. Here are just 4 examples that are worth recognizing.

Brad's Drink, which was established in 1893, was a North Carolina company that was founded by Caleb Bradham. The owner of a drugstore, Bradham sold the drink from that very establishment. Since then, the drink had become a worldwide entity, not only being a hot seller but the facilitator of many other flavors. If you don't recognize this company name, you may know it better as what it's called today: Pepsi. This is just one of the many name changes that companies like fishbat can recognize.

If you think that you know everything about Nintendo, from its numerous consoles to seemingly countless video games, you may be surprised to know that it wasn't always a video game company. It started in 1947 under the name Marufuku Company, which was a distributor of hanafuda playing cards. Only a few years later, the company rebranded itself as Nintendo. Since then, the company has been responsible for the creation of many video game series that are still going strong today.

When it comes to ecommerce, eBay is easily one of the biggest names in the world. Any Internet marketing company will agree, but it originally started as a much smaller entity. AuctionWeb, which was founded in 1995, was focused solely on online auctions. Pierre Omidyar, the site's founder, originally intended it to be as a side gig of sorts for him. Needless to say, though, it had developed into something even greater.

It can be argued that Google is one of the most commonly linked names to the Internet, so it should come as no surprise that people would want to learn about its past. It was originally conceived, in 1996, as BackRup, a search algorithm developed by two Stanford University students. It was so advanced that it pulled up more relevant results that many search engines that were active at the time. The rest was history, as we know now this underground algorithm of sorts as arguably the most prominent search engine in the world today.

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The Pillars Of A Long Island SEO Audit

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Monday, January 7, 2019 0 Comments
By Arthur Williams

Before search engine optimization is carried out by a specialist or firm, preliminary work is required. This is where a Long Island SEO audit, which evaluates how well a website is doing from an SEO standpoint, will be carried out. If you're familiar with marketing, you might be familiar with this term. For those that aren't, but would like to see greater visibility across various search engines, here is what you should be aware of.

One of the essential pillars of an SEO audit is mobile-friendly web design. According to companies like fishbat, it's more important now, than ever before, for a website to be responsive. In other words, it should provide just as smooth of an experience on a smartphone as it does on a traditional desktop computer. Search engines pick up on this and rank websites accordingly. This is the main reason SEO specialists recommend this practice.

Another pillar of a solid SEO audit is the litany of backlinks that direct to the company's website. Anyone that's well-versed in SEO will tell you that links influence rankings, perhaps more than anything else. What the audit in question will assess, though, is the quality of said links and the number of platforms they're located on. The more reputable links a business has, across various sites, the better they will rank.

SEO audits are run to assess bugs that company websites may be riddled with, too. One of the ways to determine if said bugs exist is by seeing how long it takes to move from one internal page to the next. Does it take more than three seconds or so to do? This is just one example, but it could be evidence of a deeper, technical problem. If the aforementioned audit is carried out, it will be able to pinpoint these errors, which will make fixing them easier.

Lastly, an SEO audit can be used to develop a call to action. For those that don't know, a CTA is a series of actionable steps that must be taken to complete an action or correct a problem. In this case, it will help remedy any SEO shortcomings that the audit in question noted. Even though addressing a website's problems goes a long way, remedying them so that a better user experience is had goes even further.

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3 Real Estate Blog Topic Ideas By Internet Marketing Companies

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Thursday, January 3, 2019 0 Comments
By Paula Hess

One of the challenges that real estate agents may run into, when it comes to digital marketing, is content. There might be a shortage of content for users to sink their teeth into, which is nothing short of harmful for SEO, social media, and marketing in general. Blogs can be used as hubs for work to be released on a consistent basis, as Internet marketing companies across the board can attest. Here are the 3 real estate blog topic ideas to start with.

Self-Learning - When it comes to real estate blog subjects, this is one of the easiest to work with. After all, if you specialize in real estate, it should be easy enough to provide guidance to the public. Ideas that you can start with include information about affordable housing and the steps to take to rent office space. By presenting useful information to those that stand to take advantage of it, you'll be able to create content not unlike what reputable agencies like fishbat develop.

News & Editorials - Next, let's discuss news, as there's plenty to be consumed in the real estate industry. If you have a blog with a dedicated audience, it would make perfect sense to provide said news along with citations. Editorials are similar in content but with one exception: opinion. These will be used to provide the opinions of writers, at which point the reader will develop their own perspective. Such content will make your real estate blog stand out more.

Infographics - Some of the best blog entries tend to be visual in the graphical sense, too. Infographics, for those that don't know, provide ample information in easy-to-read formats. What this means is that, depending on how these are designed, they may be able to generate more traffic than written posts. Provided you know what to do, or contract an experienced graphic designer, this type of content will be viable.

For those that have been searching for topics to fill their real estate blogs, hopefully these topics will lead to stellar content creation. With so many people either buying homes, renting apartments, or investing in office space, it's important to keep the public informed. This can be done through content, which is why agents and brokers should maintain blogs. The help provided by them is nothing short of invaluable.

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