Improve Your Web Page Traffic

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Thursday, August 1, 2013 0 Comments
By Elijah Wright

Now in this bit I will just go over some other means that you can use to improve your website traffic and then increase your internet site traffic and also your bounce rate and you will have come again customers after implanting these techniques.

Okay so enough of all that, lets get started on some of these techniques as im sure you just wanna know the juices.

Balance your page - Improve Your web page Traffic

So in order for you to improve your website, you need to stabilize your page when users enter your site, as their focus first starts at the top left and ends at the bottom right as, when we read anything like an image or website we start at the top left goes across to the top right then diagonally down to the bottom left and then along to the bottom right, this is called the 'z reading' in the industry , also used for media and advertising.

So the user is more targeted towards the text on the page rather than the images or artwork. This is where we can use web page page stabilize to our advantage.

Balance will make your page more visually appealing and will also make your pages easier to read and items will be easier to find , so this makes the user reaction a lot more easier. A Good object will help the objects flow.

Keep it simple- if you fresh your website by removing all the not needed visual features and graphics , it will allow more important items to stand out. You should leave some white space on the page so the illustration of the space is visually appealing and doesn't seem like its all crammed in, as well as easy to navigate around the page.

fresh Backgrounds - Improve Your internet site Traffic

The setting and texture colours you choose to implement on your site generally , affects the overall appeal of your site. Loads of textures and colours and artwork in the background can distract the user, but on the flip side the less textures and artwork you have, the less noticeable your text and images become. So the trick is to get a balance between the 2, you see how stabilize comes into everything when having a successful internet site or blog.

You Must make sure that there is acceptable contrast between the setting colour and text. You will almost never go wrong with black text and a white backdrop because its clean and easy to read. Although you do have to be careful when using vivid colours and darkish colours such as red or yellow. Using these Cause visual weariness and the reader will loose their focus on the text.

Toolbars and easy navigation - Improve Your internet site Traffic

Users often look for a toolbar across the top , down the left hand side of your site. You Shouldn't forget a link to your home page. It's often forgotten about but its very important to point your users to your home-page.

Text Readability - Improve Your site Traffic

You should take into consideration on each page and create headings and subheadings use one or two fonts. You Should select one font for your titles and subheadings and an extra one for the body text and highlight key words and phrases by bolding and applying a different colour, also you can hyper-link key phrases you want to rank for but we will get into that later on, this is all you need to know, you should be careful when deciding on colours and not use every color in the rainbow and sort of stick to a definite place of colours and have a color scheme related with your webpages.

Horizontal Scrolling - Improve Your web site Traffic

It would be better if you got rid of horizontal scrolling because web users hate to scroll left and right, just for a minute ask yourself , do you enjoy scrolling left and right when on a webpage, you don't? Then most likely , your web users wont either, for a lot of web design , just ask yourself would you like that on a webpage you were visiting, put yourself In their shoes.

That being said, vertical scrolling is fine, but do take a look at moving larger blocks of information to one more page and offering web links. There's also the hazard of neglecting vital information that falls below the screen if a user decides to not scroll down and view it. So if you have a scrolling page, try to keep all the facts and all the information you want the user to see and the top of the page and above the fold.

Make It Quick - Improve Your website Traffic

As we are all human being , you need to make it a quick load, how irritated do you get when you want to go take some nice income out of your bank and the cash machine cue is back like 10 people, we just are impatient by nature, so this applies to your web page and make it quick so the user can get the information they desire quickly and easily. Also make sure you eliminate unnecessary artwork, especially flash graphics , as they can be the time hogs and can also affect your search positions especially on google, that's if there is a flash video on the web page, AVOID IT!!


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