Old Marketing Techniques Don't Work

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Sunday, August 4, 2013 0 Comments
By Douglas Blackley

The concept of attraction marketing is relatively new.

Still trying to chase friends and family or anyone within 3 feet of you to try and get them involved in your business? Not working out too well for you is it?

Times have changed and people don't want to be "pitched" any longer. They are still open to new ideas, they just don't want to be "pitched."

This new concept of attraction marketing works by presenting leads with material that they have an interest in. Their interests may lie in a completely different area than you primary business. Therefore, you present something that has a more universal appeal in order to brand yourself as a leader of sorts.

You have to give something of value in order to acquire email addresses. The something can be something as simple as a free description and link to an educational product that has appeal. It might be a free e-book or video describing something of broad interest.

Once you have established yourself as someone who gives value, you are more likely to have people join your primary business because they see you as a leader. This is what attraction marketing is all about.

Many people hate their jobs or don't make enough money to live the kind of lifestyle they want. Some may have tried to become internet marketers and failed. They have no recruiting or marketing skills. These are the people you want to attract.

You have the remedy to cure their pain. You just have to show them that you have the answer and are willing to share with them.

You need to implement a system in order to be successful. Attraction marketing systems provide everyone from novice to experienced marketer a proven system that has demonstrated massive success. Some of the top internet marketers in the world use this type of system today and promote its benefits to their associates and downline.

You get to choose how you approach the marketplace. If you like blogging, the system will provide training. If you prefer paid ads, the system will provide training for that. And so forth and so on. Most of these systems recommend that you select a single method and stick with it until you master it before trying other methods. And, there is a ton of support available for free to help you through any difficult issues you may have.

Check out the free education available from companies offering attraction marketing systems.

Best regards,


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