The Internship Of Miss Caitlin Crawford With The Dallas Cowboys

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 0 Comments
By Amanda Bean

For those who do not know, miss Caitlin Crawford is a college student who was able to score an internship with the media crew of the Dallas Cowboys. For those who do not know, the Dallas Cowboys is a football team that originated from Dallas and is one of the best in the country. What makes miss Caitlin special is that she is in fact among the few who were able to score an internship with the crew for two summers in a row.

Now just to give a background about miss Crawford, she was born in Dallas, Texas and studies in the University of Oklahoma. She is currently taking up a degree in broadcasting and electronic media. One of the highlights of her life was none other than her internship with the Dallas Cowboys as she has been a longtime fan of that team.

At that time, she applied for the internship by sending her resume to the media department of that place. Now what she did not expect was that the media department called her back and scheduled her for an interview in the stadium. Excitedly, she went to the interview and got the internship at the Cowboys stadium as a video editor.

As she continued working, naturally her duties also began to become more and more. From just editing footage, she was tasked to do some features of other events that were held in the Cowboys stadium. She even worked with the media department in covering the Dallas Cowboys cheerleader audition wherein she was able to shoot the audition and also edit the footage.

Her work as a reporter even brought her further as she also covered some of the behind the scenes videos of players while they were backstage. Aside from that, she even helped designed some projects that the media team were to execute. She assisted with some marketing endeavors of the media department and helped them with the overall execution.

Even though her summer internship was already finished, they still wanted miss Crawford to continue working with them during the holidays and school breaks. She continued to cover videos of happenings in the stadium as well as editing those videos. When next summer came, they asked her to come back for another internship round.

During her second summer, she attended some camps wherein she even further honed her skills as a broadcaster. She even produced and reported certain features daily and even interviewed players. She even had the very rare chance to create player biographies, fan interviews, and even more coverage than she did during her first summer working in the Cowboys stadium.

Miss Caitlin Crawford was definitely a student who was able to land her dream internship. When she saw an opportunity come in, she did all she could do in order to grab that one opportunity. Because of that leap of faith, she was able to get what she always wanted which was an internship with the Dallas Cowboys.

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