Youtube Trueview Ads Update Are Coming In April

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Wednesday, May 7, 2014 0 Comments
By Hajj Isa

Another feature that has become a really efficient way to reach large audiences worldwide, and that is relatively inexpensive is TrueView. TrueView ads has been refined by Google, so that browsers aren't bamboozled with the amount of options provided. They intend to implement these new changes to TrueView this month. This is in efforts to simplify the purchase process for online buyers while providing advertisers a complete set of audience targeting options.

So Google not only has axed the ads that were ten minutes or longer, but it will now reduce the number of ad formats. Reducing it from three to two by rolling up TrueView In-search-ads, That are targeted by the use of keywords with two thumbnail ad options. It will show in the list of options, the suggested videos. So both the In-search and In-display use the creative assets when they run, the only difference is where they run.

In-search and In-display thumbnail differences: With In-display - You have thumbnail ads that will now be targeted to show on either the recommended video list in the the right side panel or the In-search results. The advertisers are charged on a per-view basis. In-stream - Are those ads that run as a pre-roll just before another video runs on YouTube. In most cases, YouTube online viewers are given the option to skip or view these ads which only run for a few seconds anyway.

Advertisers are only charged if the viewer decides to watch the ad for a whole 30 seconds or more. Now if the ad is shorter than 30 seconds, then the advertiser gets charged if the viewer decides to view the ad until it ends.

These format changes in ads and how they are targeted, were implemented since the 15th of April, so advertisers will have to select on which network they would like to display their ads, these can be on YouTube, YouTube search or Google Display Network at campaign level.

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