Simlify Your Article Marketing Campaign By Following These Great Suggestions

Posted by Hadraj Youssef On Saturday, June 7, 2014 0 Comments
By Duncan David

Successful article submission requires that you create a successful campaign. This means you need to approach things through a wide lens, distributing tons of content and keeping your quality at a maximum. Find out about the following tips you will need in order to succeed in your article syndication campaign.

Give away freebies. A customer will always be happy when they get something for free. Make sure your freebie includes your brand and this offers free advertising. With that in mind, select your products wisely.

Potential customers often make the decision to purchase your product if others recommend it. Make sure you meet this need by including a section that features testimonials from actual customers.

Make sure your articles are high quality. If you have a lot of typos, spelling errors, or grammatical mistakes, you make yourself look like an amateur. People won't take you seriously and they'll avoid all of your articles. The same is true, if you have incorrect facts or lie to your readers.

Keep your reader's attention span in mind. No one likes to read an article with paragraphs that just drone on and on. Perfect this by making sure to keep every paragraph at under six sentences. If you need to say more about something, simply start a new one. This will keep your article from getting bogged down.

After your article has been accepted and published at an article directory, remember to visit it, and verify that all the links in the article function properly. Good links are a major part of any article advertising strategy. Broken links will be penalized by search engines, hurting or even erasing the positive value of publishing a linked article.

Rewrite your original article, or hire someone to do it for you. This article should be totally unique, high-quality, and optimized for your keyword. Be sure to write a compelling author's resource box that contains two backlinks to your site, one pointed to your main domain, and one to the original article. Submit the rewrite to Once your article is published there, you will have your own author's RSS feed. Each article that is approved on Ezine will ping your author's feed.

Improve your writing by reading more. Reading and writing go hand in hand. The more new material you read, you will slowly increase the skill of your writing. It doesn't matter what you read, as long as you're reading often whenever you have some spare time.

By following solid tips like the ones you've just learned about above in this article, you will start to understand how article marketing works in principle and how you can use it to directly target markets and drive traffic to your website. Eventually, and with the right approach, you can begin to earn a lot of money online.

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